100kW WTGS Operation Report in Korea
Abstract: One FD21-100 wind turbine from Shanghai Ghrepower was installed and
running in Jeju Island, Korea on November 28th 2013. Since the Operation, the wind
availability had reached over 97.65% without the consideration of regular maintenanc
e. Based on the operation data analysis from January 2014 to July 2014 through the
SCADA system (the remote monitoring system for WTGS), the operation state of the
100kW wind turbine was briefly introduced as following:
1. Location of the installation
The wind turbine was located in the north-west of Jeju Island near the sea ( latitude:
33¡ã32¡®15.81, Longitude: 126¡ã47¡®20.84). From figure 1- figure 3, the annual average wind
speed was about 6-7 m/s, it belonged to oceanic climate.
